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Importance of quitting social media

13 Things That Could Happen When You Quit Social Media Social media is glorious fun and a colossal time-suck, not to mention pretty darn addictive. Here's what happens when you pull the plug, even for a short hiatus. Why you might want to consider quitting social media Social media is riddled with contradictions. It can be fun but also infuriating.  It can make you feel less alone, but also trigger feelings of isolation and inadequacy. And can we talk about the trolls?  If you’re spending a lot of time on social media , or on your phone in general, it can be hard to imagine life without it. However, there are plenty of reasons to consider taking a break from endless scrolling. If you’re ready to take the plunge, here are some things to expect when you take a break from social media. Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock You’ll get more work done, and you’ll do it faster When you don’t have to worry about your devices buzzing left and right, you could find your productivity le

Why most servers run on linux

  There are many reasons that most servers on the Internet run Linux. Software.  Web servers, caches, FTP servers, web applications, DNS severs, and on and on. They are available for Linux and Unix first and in a wide variety. History.  Windows was designed for the single user desktop, whereas Unix was designed as a multiuser networked machine early on, even before Windows existed. Secondly, Unix was commercial, and the BSDs were tied up in court when Linux rose to power. Price.  Linux systems are free. A company can grab a Linux variant and have an industrial strength server for free. Sure, they can get support and such if they pay - but the fact is many companies let support go. Marketshare.  Back in the 80s there was a slogan:  No one has ever been fired for buying IBM.  That sentiment now extends to Linux. The lawsuit that embroiled Unix did a huge amount of damage to Unix in the marketplace and Linux filled the void. Security.  Linux was designed as a multiuser environment from th

The Major Impact of Social Media?

Information and communication technology has changed rapidly over the past 20 years with a key development being the  emergence of social media . The pace of change is accelerating. For example, the development of mobile technology has played an important role in shaping the impact of social media. Across the globe, mobile devices dominate in terms of total minutes spent online. This puts the means to connect anywhere, at any time on any device in everyone’s hands. Source:  Smart Insights Why People Share Information A   fascinating study by the New York Times Consumer Insight Group revealed the motivations that participants cited for sharing information on social media. These include a desire to reveal  valuable and entertaining content  to others; to define themselves; to grow and nourish relationships and to get the word out about brands and causes they like or support. These factors have caused social networks to evolve from being a handy means for keeping in t