
Showing posts with the label Miracles

“SIGNS, WONDERS & MIRACLES” From God of all ages

Belief in miracles lies at the heart of the Christian faith.  Without the miracle of the resurrection, Christianity would have long sense passed from the scene.  Understanding the role of miracles in the birth and spread of  our faith is essential for today’s Christian.  Unlike the modern world, the ancient world was not suspicious of miracles.  Ancient people not only typically believed   that supernatural powers existed, but that they intervened in human affairs; so miracles did not present a problem to the early Church.  By definition, a miracle is an action that runs counter to the commonly observed processes of nature.  In the Old Testament they are viewed as a direct intervention of God in human affairs.  The most significant miracle in the OT is God’s parting of the Red Sea in delivering the children of Israel out of Egypt.  This miracle is the centerpiece of Hebrew history and OT religion, and is a demonstration of God’s power and love in action.   This emphasis on miracles