
Showing posts with the label Work From Home

Life as a Remote Software Developer

Splendid! Yup, this is me working from a bathtub. But let me get back to the beginning. I work for Automattic, a 1000-person company spread across over 70 countries. My colleagues are around the globe - some of them work from a camper, driving across Southern America, some of them tried catching an internet connection from a cruise ship and majority work from the comfort of their homes. If I had to summarise remote work in a sentence, it would be: It just makes sense. When you think about modern office work, it is a bit peculiar. For lack of a better example, let’s imagine Facebook: Now here is a company that says you can foster real relationships online. They create a product focused on communicating with your friends, and they even sell (and use) a version of it designed for work. And yet, they force people to pay truly mind-boggling Silicon Valley rent, sit in traffic and get into the office to sit in front of the computer. If your work happens on the computer,