
Showing posts from July, 2020

Skills Required by a student to be successful

I decided to compile the notes I took while doing my research. My goal was to identify the skills that were brought up the most in an attempt to determine which skills our students will need to be successful in their futures. The following are the 10 skills mentioned the most often: 1. Adaptive Thinking:  In the digital age, things are changing at exponential rates. By the time employees learn the newest software or program, a better version is coming about. Future employers will need to continuously adapt to changing conditions as well as be able to learn new things quickly and efficiently. We need our students to learn how to learn. Recommended LinkedIn Learning Course:  Learning Agility 2. Communication Skills:  There continues to be an emphasis on the ability to communicate. In the digital age, however, we have access to a wide variety of new ways to communicate from video-conferencing to social media. Future employers need to be able to communicate with people within their team, a

Benefits of acquiring learning skills to a student

The list of beneficial   lifelong learning   skills one can have is broad and diverse, and it pays to develop them constantly. Such skills transform our future for the better because they come from what is best in us.   In short, mastering beneficial lifelong learning skills helps us work, learn, and live better. Let's discuss which ones are most useful for students journeying into the modern work forces after school. What we've got is not a comprehensive all-or-nothing list by any means. However, it's definitely a collection of some of the more valued and versatile and ones. The Most Beneficial Lifelong Learning Skills Lifelong learning skills can be a lot like many of the   soft skills   you may have heard of.   They have to do with how we connect with each other, and with the world around us.   In many ways, they're also about building relationships. With this in mind, let's look at the skills that are beneficial for everyone—student, educator, parent, and so on.

Combining Two Querysets in Django (With Different Models)

Today, I stumbled upon a use case where I needed to have a querysets that had objects from different models. Django has a neat "contenttypes framework" which is a good way to achieve this. So here are my notes on what I learned today, and I hope it will help someone in the future.  NOTE : If you can design your models from scratch this is not the best approach to follow. Read my note under step 5. 1 The Models Let us consider the following models: class Bmw ( models . Model ) : series = models . CharField ( max_length = 50 ) created = models . DateTimeField ( ) class Meta : ordering = [ '-created' ] def __str__ ( self ) : return "{0} - {1}" . format ( self . series , self . created . date ( ) ) class Tesla ( models . Model ) : series = models . CharField ( max_length = 50 ) created = models . DateTimeField ( ) class Meta : ordering = [ '-created' ] def __str__ ( self )