
Showing posts with the label Touch Screens

Use Your Smartphone with caution

The Dangers of Touch Screen Phones Touch screen cell phones are no more or less dangerous than any other cell phone. The danger comes from the magnetic field generated by the high frequency (usually PCS - which is in the microwave range) carrier, and you get that by holding the phone close to your ear while talking. But the relative size (not to mention the strength) of the field generated by the electronics needed for the touchscreen is minimal compared to the carrier frequency, so before you are talking on the phone (i.e. using the touch screen), there is no danger.  Some users of mobile handsets have reported feeling several unspecific symptoms during and after its use; ranging from burning and tingling sensations in the skin of the head and extremities, fatigue, sleep disturbances, dizziness, loss of mental attention, reaction times and memory retentiveness, headaches, malaise, tachycardia (heart palpitations), to disturbances of the digestive system. Reports have noted t