
Showing posts with the label Stay Safe Online

How to stay safe while navigating online

"If you want to stay safe, throw away all your connected devices," is an oft repeated advice you will come across in response to the question of how to make yourself "unhackable".  The sad truth is that anything that has been made, especially involving software, can be broken into. What we can do as users and consumers of technology is ensure that we follow some basic principles and precautions. Emails If it's too good to be true, maybe it is. Avoid following links in emails or text messages to log into your sites or change passwords WiFi Avoid free WiFi, especially in unknown or new places. When you must use it, use a VPN Watch out for safe websites Make sure the websites with which you transact financial business are secure. Look for the lock icon and/or a web address that starts with https://”(the “s” stands for secure) Protecting yourself by securing your devices, software and connections is important, but making the right choices when doing thin