
Showing posts with the label I met him on Facebook.

Effects of social Media on Relationships

How would we even live without social media ? In a world where our phones are the first and last thing we see every morning and night, it's no wonder social media can affect our  relationships , both online and offline. "Research shows that, on average, we spend two or more hours a day on social media," explains communication expert and author  Leslie Shore . She warns that fostering  relationships online  can hurt our relationships offline, but they can also make us less able to communicate. "Those that have limited experience in reading people do not have the same level of social intelligence previous generations possess.  If this becomes the new normal, building strong, deep relationships will take more time and will be more difficult to maintain." Meet the Expert Leslie Shore  is a communication expert who has worked with governmental organizations, corporations, civic groups, and teaches at several universities in the Minneapolis area. When we ar...