
Showing posts from July, 2019

Importance of Documentation in Software Development

Why you should always do documentation before development Doc-driven development focuses your code toward a specific blueprint of how an application is meant to work. x Subscribe now Get the highlights in your inbox every we Programmers and project managers sometimes think the phrase "doc-driven development" means putting a lot of comments in code or working closely with doc writers as development happens. That's because it's hard to imagine how development can possibly happen  after  documentation, because surely documentation can't happen until there's something to actually document. Documentation traditionally is seen as a sort of journalistic endeavor. Doc writers are given some software, and they take it into the lab and poke it and prod it until they've figured it all out, then they write it down for everyone else to never read. This misses the all-important process that happens naturally

Modern Software Development

Software development is undergoing fundamental changes that are completely changing the face of the application attack surface. Modern software teams are moving faster and their development patterns are shifting dramatically. Developers favor assembling together microservices and open source software components into smaller applications. Those are then bound together with more API integrations and abstraction layers than ever. This is contributing to new kinds of vulnerabilities, as well as recombined — and sometimes more toxic — versions of the same old types of vulnerabilities that application security teams have been dealing with for years. Security experts and development professionals generally agree that the only way that the industry will solve the appsec problem is through more effective security training of developers. The trouble is that even before the advent of the modern DevOps and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) movements, dev training has been

How to Keep Tech Skills Up To Date

It may be a job seeker’s market right now, but that certainly doesn’t mean it’s easy to land a job. Competition among talented candidates is steep, so standing out can sometimes be difficult. Those looking for a job in the tech field have the added challenge of keeping up with the industry’s ever-evolving demands. As trends emerge and technologies advance, it’s important to keep your skills sharp and up to date if you want to land a tech job. “Innovation is accelerating so quickly in our current business ecosystem that a massive gap lies between the number of tech jobs available and the number of skilled workers who can actually fill these positions. “Furthermore, traditional higher education simply can’t keep up, leaving students to graduate college with nothing more than a diploma and debt — and without the skills needed in today’s tech job market.” Technology is evolving at lightening speed and is forever changing the way the world works. For those of us who have made worki

Building mobile apps in React Native

Nothing is better than building apps with JavaScript. Unless you are building mobile apps. JavaScript is for building web apps, and using it to build native mobile app used to not be possible. It was hard for any web developer to dive into building native mobile apps. They have to learn Java, or Objective-C …or any programming language that was used for this purpose. That is, until Facebook’s  React Native  broke this barrier. React Native comes with great advantages like building cross-platform apps for both Android and IOS. Before React Native, you had to write your code twice — one for Android and one for IOS. That’s no longer the case. This article is an intro to the world of React Native, so get ready 💪. Why React Native? Right, so why React native and not any other technology? It gives us many solutions that other technologies can not afford. Here is what you can do with React Native: Building native mobile apps React Native allows us to write native apps in Ja