You can't now separate women from Tech, after all the first programmer was a Lady 'Ada'
Women In Tech: 3 Simple But Effective Tactics On How Companies Can Bridge The Gap Women in tech aren’t exactly a rarity but being in a male-dominated industry can be an uphill battle . Mason Frank International acknowledges technology being one of the worst represented industries with women making up less than 20%. To bridge the gap, companies, leaders and universities are encouraging women to study a science, technology, engineering or math subject, often known as STEM . Elite universities such as Stanford and Berkeley reported about 50% of their introductory computer science students being women. Yet last year, the U.S. Census Bureau released a report stating twice as many men are employed in STEM occupations than women who hold the same qualifications. Adia's , People Operations Manager, Elizabeth Wong states, "recruiting women is one issue, but if companies don't have inclusive workplaces, trying to hit some kind of arbitra