
Showing posts from June, 2020

How to Embed twitter timeline feeds on your website

Twitter . The most followed and best source for up-to-date happenings around the globe. From celebrities and influencers to brands and everyday people, approximately  6,000 tweets are tweeted every 60 seconds . Woah. Twitter is where you connect, network, and keep people in the know about your business or blog. For many companies, Twitter is their go-to social media platform for news, announcements, and public communication. Heck, even the President of the United States is all over Twitter! Why Do I Need a Twitter Widget? You spend a lot of time tweeting, engaging, and building a successful Twitter following, wouldn’t it be nice if everyone you needed to communicate with were on Twitter? Unfortunately, that’s not the case, many people have yet to discover your Twitter page and the exciting content you share. So how can you maximize your efforts without creating more work? Get more miles out of your Twitter efforts with an embedded Twitter widget on your website! A Twitter feed widget w

How to Embed Facebook Feed on Your Website In few steps

Raise your hand if you have ever wondered how to embed Facebook feed on your website? Updating your Facebook page and doing the same for your website is a huge pain and time consuming, so many community managers are just fed up with this task. In this post, we outline a few methods that can help you to display your Facebook page activity on your website. What’s inside: Use the official Facebook Page Plugin Use a third-party plugin Embed a Facebook page feed in any CMS One of the simplest solutions that can help you to embed your Facebook Page timeline feed you can use the free  Page Plugin by Facebook. 1. Here is how to embed Facebook feed with Page Plugin Enter your  Facebook Page URL Set width or height parameters Click  Get Code And just  copy and paste  the code in your website body section I know, I know, the Facebook Page plugin has limited functionality for customization, especially if you want to display the feed in a grid layout, which is the most common layout preference. Wel

Send Verification Email on registration on Django Web app

This article is going to cover how to register with email verification in Django. So, Let’s start! Assume that I have a project named  user_registration  and it contains an app named  accounts . At first, we need to configure our email server. So, got to  user_registration/  and write the following lines: EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend' MAILER_EMAIL_BACKEND = EMAIL_BACKEND EMAIL_HOST = 'your_mail_server' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'your_password' EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'your_email' EMAIL_PORT = 465 EMAIL_USE_SSL = True DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = EMAIL_HOST_USER To test the above configuration work, open up the terminal and navigate to  user_registration  project and run following command: $ python shell >>> from django.core.mail import send_mail >>> send_mail( 'Subject here', 'Here is the message.', ' ', [' example '], fail_silently=False,

Adding a private repository to a shared host

Guide to Git™ - Set Up Access to Private Repositories Last modified:  April 24, 2020 Overview This document demonstrates how to set up a private repository on your local host. This allows the user to use cPanel as an automatic deployment location for their project that can run PHP, Ruby, Node.js™, or other desktop applications. Important: This tutorial uses GitHub as an example host for a private repository. However, most of the steps in this tutorial are similar to the steps for any other private repository host. The steps in this tutorial require the  Shell Access  setting in cPanel & WHM version 70 or earlier or the  Shell Access & Terminal  setting in cPanel & WHM version 72 or later. Because they require SSH access, you  must  perform additional steps in order to clone a privately-hosted remote repository. This feature enforces several restrictions on clone URLs, and it verifies the remote host’s public SSH keys for  ssh://  clone URLs. For more information, read our