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Software Development

5 Stages of Software Development Process Wondering what the software development process is? If yes then I am here to help you out. If you are thinking that software development is all about coding. Well then let me tell you that it is not true. Even coding is one of the parts of the total software development process. However, do not worry to make you understand in a better way I am going to talk about software development process which is used by companies like  VironIT . 5 Stages Of Software Development Process 1. Planning The first step is to do proper planning. Without proper planning, you cannot go ahead and build software. So you better do a plan at first. In this step, you figure out how much time the whole project will take, what’s the idea behind the software. As well as you have to figure out what is the weakness of the software. And once you have all these data, you will be able to work ahead. 2. Analysis The second step is to do a proper analysis. In t