
Showing posts with the label Web

Insights about software developers and web developers.

  If you asked a senior developer the difference between a software engineer and a developer, you’d probably be met with a confused face. Here’s the technical definition of both: A software engineer  is someone who builds (engineers) software. This software could be desktop programs like Spotify or Photoshop, or mobile and web applications (like Facebook, Twitter, or Gmail). Another term for this is “computer programmer.” A web developer  is a software engineer who only builds web applications. But, every web developer who is employable is a software engineer. “Software Engineers” don’t have a better salary than “Web Developers,” nor do “Software Engineers” do different work than “Web Developers” on a day-to-day basis, assuming they’re working on web applications. What makes a web developer a software engineer? Let’s zoom out and talk about three skills all programmers need in order to  be in demand. The Only 3 Skills That Software Engineers (AKA Web Developers) Need To Land a Job Skil

How to earn from Browsing internet

If you’re looking for a way to get paid for browsing the internet, you’re in luck! These days there are plenty of options available to help with earning passive income through the use of apps that run unobtrusively on your internet devices, while helping mold how brands and businesses market via mobile and online. How it works Market researchers aim to understand the patterns and behaviors of people using the internet through their devices. This data is collected using an app that is installed on a user’s device, and runs in the background. Data from devices is anonymized, and aggregated with other’s users data to form data figures. Ever see a stat like, ‘people spend an average of 1 hour a day on social media websites’? Stats like these often come from these internet meters. Get paid to use your phone As more and more people use their phones every day for everything from browsing the internet to making purchases, brands and businesses are looking for ways to make their mobi

Moving from HTML to Web 3.0

This article is especially for those readers who are looking to gain some knowledge about or are interested in working on any aspect of the web. In this article, we will be focusing on the nitty-gritty of some well-known – as well as some not-so-well-known –  web technologies . After a quick and simple introduction to web technology, we will go over the basics of various types of web technology. Over the course of our discussion, we will also be covering a brief history of web technology as well as some features and functionalities of each type of technology that we talk about. What Are Web Technologies? Web technologies are the various tools and techniques that are utilised in the process of communication between different types of devices over the internet. To understand this term in a better manner, let’s break it down into two pieces:  ‘web’  and  ‘technology’ . The web, in this case, refers to the World Wide Web, more commonly known as WWW. It firs