
Showing posts with the label All Linux Distributions

How to install the Proton Vpn on Linux

Debian-based distros Our app currently supports Linux Debian 10+, Ubuntu 18.04+, and most distros based on these Linux versions (including Mint and Kali, but not Ubuntu Server or Raspbian). If you are using an older version of  our Linux client, we recommend that you uninstall it before installing the new app. Please see the Notes(1) section at the end of this article for instructions.  Open Terminal and enter the following commands (or just copy and paste them in).  Note: before starting, we recommend running the following command to ensure you system is up to date: sudo apt-get upgrade 1. Add the ProtonVPN repository to your system’s software sources(2): wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -  Followed by: sudo add-apt-repository 'deb unstable main' Note : Once this repo has been added, the app will be kept updated by your default package manager. 2. Install the client: sudo apt-get update &&am