
Showing posts with the label configuring software

Why Software Customization Is A Good Thing — And A Bad Thing

People install software applications at home and on the go every day. When an app is downloaded, installed and fired up, the user often grabs the opportunity to personalize their app experience through the ‘Settings’ option that almost every piece of software is built with. This is software customization ground zero, at the personal user-level… and it's mostly a good thing. The same thing happens in work environments with enterprise software. The difference is that the process is a whole lot more involved, convoluted and expansive. Professional developer/programmer engineers will work with software vendors to tune a core software platform or application and craft it to the specific needs of the organization. This is software customization at the enterprise level… and it’s good thing, but it’s also a bad thing. Good customization Basic enterprise software customization allows customers to tweak software to the operational needs of the organization. This might involve settin...