
Showing posts with the label engineer

Insights about software developers and web developers.

  If you asked a senior developer the difference between a software engineer and a developer, you’d probably be met with a confused face. Here’s the technical definition of both: A software engineer  is someone who builds (engineers) software. This software could be desktop programs like Spotify or Photoshop, or mobile and web applications (like Facebook, Twitter, or Gmail). Another term for this is “computer programmer.” A web developer  is a software engineer who only builds web applications. But, every web developer who is employable is a software engineer. “Software Engineers” don’t have a better salary than “Web Developers,” nor do “Software Engineers” do different work than “Web Developers” on a day-to-day basis, assuming they’re working on web applications. What makes a web developer a software engineer? Let’s zoom out and talk about three skills all programmers need in order to  be in demand. The Only 3 Skills That Software Engineers (AKA Web Developers) Need To Land a Job Skil