
Showing posts with the label Firebase

Sign in using firebase

Introduction to Authentication with Firebase I want to continue my exploration of firebase by going through the authentication service provided by firebase. If you navigate to the  firebase console  and select the project you are working on, select  Authentication  from the left sidebar then select  SIGN-IN METHOD you'll see the seven ways you can allow your user to login. (If you haven't read my previous tutorials in this series, I highly recommend going through the first tutorial on  firebase's real-time database  where other than learning how to use the database, I also go through setting up the project. Then, if you are interested, but not required, you can read the other tutorial on  storage ) 01. Setup The setup will be exactly the same as in  firebase's real-time database . We have an HTML and a JavaScript file. The html is going to be slightly different though <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang= "en" > <head> <meta c

Getting fired up with Firebase Database

One thing to wonder is how did we transmit the details from webpage to the server. Well, this is where  Firebase  comes to the rescue one more time!  lets get started with this. Step 1 : Add your project to Firebase from the  console . Click on the Blue button Step 2 : Add Firebase to your webapp Open the project, you’ve just created and click on the bright red button that says, “ Add Firebase to your web app” Copy the contents from here and paste it after your HTML code. Step 3 : Next up, navigate to the Database section in your console and move to the Rules tab. For now, let us edit the rules to allow anyone to read and write to the database. Almost all set up now. Step 4 : Modify the HTML to allow entering data by the user <form name="htmlform" id="form" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <p align="center"><b><big>FOSSASIA's App Generator</big&