
Showing posts with the label frameworks.

Software Development using a Framework

Which framework should I learn: Django or Node.js? Why? GO WITH DJANGO!!! I'll tell you why... 1)DAMN EASY SYNTAX:  You know Python. You know how easy the syntax is. It's a lot easy than JavaScript. The code readability is also way too easy. It looks clean, making it easier to debug and find mistakes. Look, if you know Python, you know Django. Once you get used to the Python's Object Oriented Programming and using functions, Django becomes way more easy to learn and understand. 2)Django is POWERFUL:  The power of Django cannot be expressed in words, seriously. It can do things, which you can't even think of. Once you start using Django, I bet you'll recall my statement. "IT IS POWERFUL". 3)It's SECURED!:  By default, it prevents most common security threats. XSS (cross-site scripting) protection  — Django template system by default escapes variables, unless they are explicitly marked as safe. CSRF (cross site request forger