
Showing posts with the label Coder

Insights about software developers and web developers.

  If you asked a senior developer the difference between a software engineer and a developer, you’d probably be met with a confused face. Here’s the technical definition of both: A software engineer  is someone who builds (engineers) software. This software could be desktop programs like Spotify or Photoshop, or mobile and web applications (like Facebook, Twitter, or Gmail). Another term for this is “computer programmer.” A web developer  is a software engineer who only builds web applications. But, every web developer who is employable is a software engineer. “Software Engineers” don’t have a better salary than “Web Developers,” nor do “Software Engineers” do different work than “Web Developers” on a day-to-day basis, assuming they’re working on web applications. What makes a web developer a software engineer? Let’s zoom out and talk about three skills all programmers need in order to  be in demand. The Only 3 Skills That Software Engineers (AKA Web Developers) Need To Land a Job Skil

How to become a great software developer

  Starting a new career in software development is both exciting and frightening. There is a lot to learn, and it takes years of practice to become really good at it, like with other crafts. To make it a little bit easier, especially for beginners, I want to share some knowledge I've gained over the years in the form of actionable tips with you. Find a great mentor One of the best things you can do to become a great developer is to find an excellent mentor. A good mentor will provide sound advice on everything from architecture to design, and even how to improve your career path. A person who is not in the same company or location may be the best mentor for you. You can talk to them and get their advice on the phone, via email, or online. A mentor doesn't have to work at your company nor be an expert developer. Find someone who understands software development and has had success in their career that you respect. Learn to communicate well Being a great developer means that you

Software Developer is not an IT Employee

  This is a message to all managers and bosses in the world who think it’s a good idea offload IT work to their coders: Stop. Stop now and stop forever. It will hurt your business every single time. Meet Charles The Computer Programmer, let’s call him Charles, by his very nature loves to solve difficult problems and to create things. He has dedicated his life to piecing together the large and ever evolving puzzle that is software, discovering every day new ways to accomplish his task. Work is hard, because programming is hard. Charles likes it, though. Charles is getting to make things while expanding his skills. Charles is happy because he is getting to make a living doing something that is natural to him. It’s been years of hard work, but Charles has built a coding skill set from nothing. With nothing but a computer and a desire to learn, Charles has learned to create softwares that can solve real problems in the real world. Through countless hours of self study, Charles made himself