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Will Software 2.0 spell the end of software developers?

Technological innovation - most notably AI - is expanding the potential applications of automation to a wider range of tasks and job roles. For example, organisations are building Business Process Automation (BPA) into their operational strategy to remedy pain points in business areas such as marketing, sales and workflow, or Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to eliminate the need for humans to perform repetitive tasks. Ironically, the benefits of automation are even being applied to those we typically associate for building automated systems. As described by Andrej Karpathy, director of AI at Tesla, so-called  "Software 2.0"  will use automation to cause a shift in dynamic between developers and the machines they work on. What is Software 2.0? The current model of software development (Software 1.0) consists of programmers creating oft-repeated segments of code as a series of rules: if X happens then do Y. Software 2.0 will be based on a neural network that learns