
Showing posts with the label Bluetooth

Security Foul in Bluetooth

Critical New Bluetooth Security Issue Leaves Your Devices (And Data) Open To Attack      We all use it, all of the time. But now a Bluetooth Security Notice has been  issued  after the disclosure of a critical vulnerability that would enable an "attacking device" to interfere with the connection encryption process, essentially stealing the encryption key and accessing the data traffic between target devices. We don't spend much time thinking about the security between our paired devices and the data moving between them. But this latest disclosure—and the 'update now' warning that comes with it—suggests we should start doing exactly that. The vulnerability, which has been dubbed "Key Negotiation of Bluetooth, or KNOB," can attack Bluetooth Classic devices 1.0 to 5.1. It was  identified by researchers at the Center for IT-Security, Privacy and Accountability (CISPA) and the disclosure has been published in coordination with