
Showing posts with the label SEO Optimisation. Web Development

SEO For Django: 5 Methods To Improve SEO

What is SEO? What is Search engine optimization? It's a huge topic, but all you need to know as a web developer is that it's about making changes (optimising) to your website, to make it easier for search engines like Google to crawl, and index your content, which makes it easier for people to discover your content. Why Should You Learn It? Developers should learn SEO so they can plan for it when developing for the web. If you don’t optimise your page, it will not show up in searches, so other people won’t know your site exists. Also it’s a great complementary skill for freelancing web developers, so they can offer their clients fuller service package. Let’s look at few ways to improve SEO of our Django site. 1. Slugs Django provides a SlugField for its models. Slugs are short labels containing only letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens. We should create the URLs based on Slug fields. To create a canonical URL for the Post model, we use a Django convention to add a method fo