
Showing posts with the label Android app

Developing a mobile app for Business Product

Is a mobile first strategy right for your product? When you design for mobile first, you simplify your product’s core features and provide value to customers wherever they go. To succeed with a mobile first strategy, you must interview potential customers and define user personas to confirm that a mobile first design solves the core pain points your customers experience daily. Once you determine that a mobile first strategy is right for your product, focus on one core use case and table everything else for version two. Focus is key to the success of your mobile app. For every mobile first success story like Uber, Whatsapp and Instagram there are thousands of mobile first product failures. Are you building a consumer app or a business app? Mobile first consumer apps and games are the most common success stories you read about in the news, but they’re hard to monetize if your users don’t return every day. Freemium and SaaS subscription models are proven monetization methods for m