
Showing posts with the label Software

What is the Difference Between a Website and a Web Application?

  It's typically hard for an end user to tell the difference between a web app and a website. They just type in the URL and boom, the results are there. And this is what really matters for the user – getting the results for what they are searching. If that happens, then that's basically what they care about. But for you as a developer, you're the one who has to build these products for the user. So you should know their differences well. Do you know the main differences between a  Website and a Web Application ? We'll take a basic technical approach in this article. And although there are conflicting opinions among some developers, I will try and highlight some of the key differences which helped me understand how websites and web apps differ. Lets get started. What is a Website? A Website is a collection of related web pages that contains images, text, audio, video, and more. It can consist of one page, or many pages, and it provides both visual and text content. There

Understanding Open Source Software

  Do you want to know more about how the internet works? Do you want to learn how to choose the right (open source) software for your business or website, and learn some nerd history along the way? Or how about just reading some dated and obscure cultural references? Most importantly,  do you want to learn more about the software that already helps you and your website make money every day,  without you even realizing it? If you answer “yes” to any of those questions, I’m your guy, and this is definitely the article for you. My bosses at Website Planet  made a terrible mistake  – uh, I mean, graciously gave me the opportunity to write at length about open source software, often referred to as OSS. If you surf the web in any fashion, then you use OSS every day, directly and indirectly. Because it’s  everywhere  on the internet, OSS and the community around it affect your bottom line, one way or another.  The more you know about the software your business uses, the better your chances wi