
Showing posts with the label Software Developer

How to become a great software developer

  Starting a new career in software development is both exciting and frightening. There is a lot to learn, and it takes years of practice to become really good at it, like with other crafts. To make it a little bit easier, especially for beginners, I want to share some knowledge I've gained over the years in the form of actionable tips with you. Find a great mentor One of the best things you can do to become a great developer is to find an excellent mentor. A good mentor will provide sound advice on everything from architecture to design, and even how to improve your career path. A person who is not in the same company or location may be the best mentor for you. You can talk to them and get their advice on the phone, via email, or online. A mentor doesn't have to work at your company nor be an expert developer. Find someone who understands software development and has had success in their career that you respect. Learn to communicate well Being a great developer means that you

Software Developer is not an IT Employee

  This is a message to all managers and bosses in the world who think it’s a good idea offload IT work to their coders: Stop. Stop now and stop forever. It will hurt your business every single time. Meet Charles The Computer Programmer, let’s call him Charles, by his very nature loves to solve difficult problems and to create things. He has dedicated his life to piecing together the large and ever evolving puzzle that is software, discovering every day new ways to accomplish his task. Work is hard, because programming is hard. Charles likes it, though. Charles is getting to make things while expanding his skills. Charles is happy because he is getting to make a living doing something that is natural to him. It’s been years of hard work, but Charles has built a coding skill set from nothing. With nothing but a computer and a desire to learn, Charles has learned to create softwares that can solve real problems in the real world. Through countless hours of self study, Charles made himself

The Difference between Software Developer and a Software Engineer

AN Engineer oversees the system as whole using engineering principles, whilst a developer focuses on creating functional software. The answer? Well it depends on who you ask! There isn't an official distinction between the roles, with companies using their own experience and knowledge to define descriptions that suit their needs. To confuse matter further, there can be regional variations as well, with a distinct difference in education. However, the variety of data sources can be assessed and analysed to draw conclusions from. According to  Computer Science Degree Hub  software developers and software engineers have separate roles: “Software engineering refers to the application of engineering principles to create software. Software engineers participate in the software development life cycle through connecting the client’s needs with applicable technology solutions. Thus, they systematically develop processes to provide specific functions.  In the end, software engineering means

Basic Things Every programmer should know

Here’s a quick list off the top of my head… Bad architecture causes more problems than bad code. You will spend more time thinking than coding. The best opportunity to get paid more is when you're negotiating salary before getting hired. People skills determine your success more than technical skills. Users will find impressive and bizarre ways to solve their own problems. Commit code more often. Always work in feature branches. Basic UNIX skills are helpful, but not required. Learning VIM or EMACS will change your world. All estimates are lies and "good estimates" are bigger lies. 80% of programmers are barely capable of doing their job. Businesses exist to make money, not to make code. Software exists to solve problems, it's not art. Agile is a trap. You can't avoid it. 80% of programmers never invest in improving their skills and never learn outside of work. Your boss believes you are replaceable. Work is a job, not a family, not a church,

Let's Learn some Python Today

Python @property You will learn about Python @property; pythonic way to use getters and setters. Python has a great concept called property which makes the life of an object oriented programmer much simpler. Before defining and going into details of what @property is, let us first build an intuition on why it would be needed in the first place. An Example To Begin With Let us assume that you decide to  make a class  that could store the temperature in degree Celsius. It would also implement a method to convert the temperature into degree Fahrenheit. One way of doing this is as follows. IPython Shell 1 2 3 4 5 6 class Celsius : def __init__ ( self , temperature = 0 ) : self . temperature = temperature def to_fahrenheit ( self ) : return ( self . temperature * 1.8 ) + 32 Run Powered by DataCamp We could make objects