Why most servers run on linux

 There are many reasons that most servers on the Internet run Linux.

Software. Web servers, caches, FTP servers, web applications, DNS severs, and on and on. They are available for Linux and Unix first and in a wide variety.

History. Windows was designed for the single user desktop, whereas Unix was designed as a multiuser networked machine early on, even before Windows existed.

Secondly, Unix was commercial, and the BSDs were tied up in court when Linux rose to power.

Price. Linux systems are free. A company can grab a Linux variant and have an industrial strength server for free. Sure, they can get support and such if they pay - but the fact is many companies let support go.

Marketshare. Back in the 80s there was a slogan: No one has ever been fired for buying IBM. That sentiment now extends to Linux. The lawsuit that embroiled Unix did a huge amount of damage to Unix in the marketplace and Linux filled the void.

Security. Linux was designed as a multiuser environment from the start, as was Unix. Windows had to be retrofitted with multiuser support, and the user base was used to their Windows system being all their own.

Also note that any one of these reasons may not be enough - but all of them taken together meant that, when stacked up against Windows, Unix, and BSD, Linux came out the leader.


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