
Showing posts with the label Internet Of Things

What is the cause of slow website loading and the solutions for it

Top 10 Reasons Your Site is Loading Slow (And steps you can take to fix it!) Ever wonder why your website is slow to load? Here are 10 of the most common reasons for slow website loading times, and also tips on how to fix it. Don’t be slow! You might have heard that age-old adage which says “slow and steady wins the race”, but when it comes to the performance of your website, that certainly is a recipe for failure. Here are our Top 10 Reasons for Slow Loading Websites. 1. Unoptimized Images A large volume of unoptimized images is usually the most common reason behind website slowness. High-resolution images can consume lots of bandwidth while loading. Uploading larger sized images and then scaling them down can unnecessarily increase the size of your web page – causing your website to load slowly. The image format is another important factor to consider. For example, JPEG images are much smaller in size compared to other image formats like PNG or GIF. Quite naturally, your web page wil

Power Of Artificial Intelligence in Software

  Development: 5 Myths and Realities Artificial intelligence offers real value, but recognizing its limitations is critical for actually capitalizing on that value. Artificial intelligence, or AI, is one of the  most intriguing topics  in software development today. It is also one of the most widely misunderstood.  For software developers and IT teams, AI offers an array of tantalizing possibilities for making applications faster, more scalable and more efficient. However, in many cases, the hype surrounding AI doesn’t line up with the reality of what is actually possible or practical. Toward that end, here’s a look at five common AI myths related to software development and deployment.   1. Artificial inteligence is a new technology. AI has gained major attention from the media in just the last few years. Likewise, most software produ cts that pitch AI as a key feature (like  AIOps-driven monitoring tools ) are still very new.  But