How Websites make money oneline

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Most of us can not imagine life without access to the internet for reasons ranging from social networking to doing projects and collecting information.
From surfing to taking help from the internet for doing projects and collecting information, today we find it difficult to imagine our life without the internet.
Approximately 3.2 billion people use the internet. Out of this, 1.7 billion of internet users are Asians.
So one thing is sure that internet is the world’s most crowded platform.Each and every information over internet is available through websites only , and if your websites has good traffic i.e. thousands of people visits to your sites than this means that you have a platform where X amount of people visits daily.
And now you can use your platform for earning money . Its is not easy to get crowd over your website but yes with little hard work along with some smart work can generate you a good income amount.
And once your website is getting traffic then there are many ways through which you can generate income.
Some of them are :
  • Google AdWords is a system that is developed to assist online marketers in advertising their products and services in the Google search engine. Using text ad, the AdWords appear on the Google search results and affiliate websites when relevant keywords are searched by any Google user. Just like the system of PPC; or pay per click works, the Google Ad Words work the same way! When any user clicks on your ad that appears in the search results, you get paid by Google.
  • Google AdSense, the largest advertising network, can get you $5-25 per 1,000 webpage views. You can keep track of traffic to your website through free services, such as Google Analytics and Stat Counter.
Affiliate programmes another good option of earning money using website traffic.
  • Amazon Associates is an affiliate programme of shopping portal for online shopping. You are paid 4-15% of sales generated through your affiliate links. You can also join affiliate networks such as Commission Junction, LinkShare, and ClickBank and promote products of multiple entities.
  • If you are enterprising, you can sell your own products, such as e-books, or services. Though several websites make thousands of rupees per month, the income depends on their popularity.
  • You are unlikely to make money in the short term, but if you persist and keep adding useful content, your website can generate decent income. Create a one-year plan and keep track of costs and income. Keep learning the tricks of the trade and you can soon own a money-making website.
This is one of the oldest and efficient way of making money. The paywalls content can generate huge income from out website easily
By paywalled content I mean online courses, ebooks, downloadable goodies and so on.
This thing may be difficult for you to digest , but if you are website traffic is very high and you are getting good amount for your website , then i think there is no harm in selling your website.
There are many people who sells there website ,and again built another website of good traffic , but before selling it calculate its actual cost then go for it.
Here is a tip through which you easily know your website worth i.e.
Typically, websites sell for 12 – 24 months revenue, however if your site is old, has something unique about it or is the authority in your industry then you can expect any figure you want.
As a website owner, you can create interesting and helpful videos that potential readers can watch and share with others related to your website. The goal is to entice these readers to visit your youtube channel based on the content .
Through this way you can create another source of income and there are thousands of people earning through You tube video.
Sponsored content is a Monetization model where publishers get paid for putting-out editorial features that highlight brands, products and services.
A crowded platform can be a valuable assets for anyone. If you have good traffic website then you can use this option to add another source of income.
There are many Publishers sell sponsored content in many different ways. You may charge from $500 -$1000 per posts.
They’re referring to your email list, which comprises your most loyal readers. The objective is to convert as many strangers who visit your site for the first time into passionate followers who want to stay up-to-date on your latest work or content.
‘Selling other merchants' products, you can try selling your own products/services with your brand. This technique may be good for traffic sites with loyal audience and it is the easiest way to monetise a site.
You can sell merchandise/goods/services as a supplementary service and if you see that this monetization technique works, you can expand the business.
Once your website has got traffic , it has become easy to create a source of income through it. You can think that you have a platform where X amount of people visits daily , so according to your traffic you can develop courses and seminars .
Offering consulting gigs and providing services can help you bring in decent sums of money while other forms of ‘passive’ revenue take a little time to build up. You can offer these services via email, forum and or even Skype.


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