Things I have so far learnt in software development

Image result for Software Development 10 Commandments

  1. Code every single day.
  2. Don’t be afraid of debugging other people’s code.
  3. If you do not like doing a couple of things repeatedly, every single day, such as pushing your code changes to Git, building your cumbersome project, or generating test cases for your functions, then automate it.
  4. Shortcuts are underrated. They boost your productivity in ways you have never imagined possible.
  5. If you are spending too much time to think of a particular solution, which is not domain specific (i.e. specific to the problem which you are solving), then don’t be shy to search it on google (or stack-overflow.) They probably have a better and proven solution than you can come up with at the moment.
  6. Knowing how to solve a problem in a given language is one thing. But knowing what that language is capable of, is completely different topic. Hence, when your manager/mentor asks whether you know how to make REST call using Java, then you only need to know how to perform REST call using Java.
  7. Maintain the pieces of code (or linux commands) which you might use repetitively. Document it. Minimise the time you spend searching for it. Organise your directories properly.
  8. Unit-test your functions thoroughly.
  9. Embrace the fact that writing enterprise software is iterative. Sometimes you might remove several files which you have written over the years and replace it with a single function.
  10. Don’t give up on a problem. Because more often than not, it is when you keep trying even after you feel like giving up, is when you actually find a solution.


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