How about Mugoya

The members of the Mugoya family are independent, determined and persevering. They use their own resources to be creative, original, and inventive in practical ways. Since they enjoy outdoor activities, they can be avid farmers, gardeners, fishermen, explorers, or hikers. 

Working best where they combine physical and mental labour, they are honest, responsible people, not wanting to go back on their word. They do what they feel they have to do and ask only to be allowed to do it in their own way without interference. 

Their pioneering tendency has led them to start things but repeatedly others derive the most benefit from their efforts. However, they move on to try something else. In association they say what they want to in as few words as possible and, whenever they can, avoid situations requiring finesse and tact.

 At times it is not easy for them to show appreciation or affection because they become self-conscious and at a loss for words, and their resultant bluntness causes misunderstandings and hurt feelings in close associations. 
Lack of ease in verbal expression causes frustration, and tension builds up affecting the health of the eyes, ears, sinuses, or throat. There could also be a problem with falling hair


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