
What is the Difference Between a Website and a Web Application?

  It's typically hard for an end user to tell the difference between a web app and a website. They just type in the URL and boom, the results are there. And this is what really matters for the user – getting the results for what they are searching. If that happens, then that's basically what they care about. But for you as a developer, you're the one who has to build these products for the user. So you should know their differences well. Do you know the main differences between a  Website and a Web Application ? We'll take a basic technical approach in this article. And although there are conflicting opinions among some developers, I will try and highlight some of the key differences which helped me understand how websites and web apps differ. Lets get started. What is a Website? A Website is a collection of related web pages that contains images, text, audio, video, and more. It can consist of one page, or many pages, and it provides both visual and text content. There...

User Registration in Django using Google OAuth

Open Authorization (OAuth) is a service that allows websites or apps to share user information with other websites without being given a users password. Users can log in to multiple websites with the same account without creating other credentials. Some of the most popular OAuth service providers are Google, Facebook and GitHub. In this tutorial, we look at registering users in a Django app using Google OAuth. Prerequisites Step 1 – Create and set up a new Django project $ python3 -m venv virtual $ source virtual/bin/activate $ pip install django $ django-admin startproject oauth_project . $ python startapp oauth_app $ python migrate INSTALLED_APPS = [ #... 'django.contrib.sites' , 'oauth_app' , ] Step 2 – Install and set up  django-allauth $ pip install django-allauth INSTALLED_APPS = [ #... 'allauth' , 'allauth.account' , 'allauth.socialaccount' , '

Steps followed when creating a new software

  7 Steps of effective software product development life cycle #Product label Tech-intensive lifestyle induces software to be an integral part of the everyday routine in the 21st century. Today, it is hardly possible to imagine any activity not powered by some kind of computer-related processes. When digging deeper, software product development is a highly organized process with precise procedures and strictly defined steps known as Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Whenever you need a sophisticated system, software suite or end-user web or mobile app your outstanding project delivery, besides all the other important factors, largely depends on a set of processes practiced by the development team. The Software Development Life Cycle as a collection of rules and practices helps to connect tech, non-tech team members and project stakeholders to transform your exceptional idea into a unique software product or solution. It structures the work of the development teams enabling th...